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September Blanket Bonanza and Events
September Blanket Bonanza and Events
Aug 31, 2022
During the month of September we will be having a sale on our blankets
Single US Blankets plain(unmarked) regularly $180 sale price $140
Double US Blankets plain(unmarked) regularly $330 sale price $240 Single US Blankets marked regularly $205 sale price $180 Brown Tennessee Trouble coverlets Regularly $140 sale price $120
“A Perfect Homespun Waterloo” September 16-18, 2022 Solomons Valley Lane, Boonsboro, MD 21713 We will be available on site from 9 am until dusk both Friday and Saturday. 9 am until the close of the event on Sunday.
"I Hear the Distant Thunder" September 16-18, 2022 We will be available at registration Friday 11 am - 7pm We are only bringing a small sampling to showcase our product lines at these events.
We will have some finished garments, blankets and coverlets for sale at the events. If there is something in particular you have your eye on, the best way to ensure we will have what you want at the event is to pre-order for pick up at the event. This will also save you shipping cost. If you would like to pick up an order at the event please order via the website in the usual fashion. In the shipping address field put the event name you are attending (A Perfect Homespun Waterloo or I hear the Distant Thunder) in the address line and Boonsboro MD 21713 or Sharpsburg MD 21782 in the city and zip code. Be sure to uncheck the use shipping address for the billing address box. In the next screen for shipping choose Free event pick up for the shipping method.
***Please note any order not picked up at the event will be subject to shipping charges unless you make other arrangements to receive your order.
For more information please see our website at https://www.bnbtart.com/index.html
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